RTSB 14: Bay Area DJ Twitch Fundraid


Join us for an intergalactic experience during our RTSB14 kickoff event: Rock the School Bells Bay Area DJ Twitch Fundraid as we raise money that will go directly towards global RTSB youth scholarships for both high school and college students! We are trying to hit a goal of $3k raised and need your support. The scholarship money will assist youth and college students embodying our value that Hip Hip is Education - through their courses, their expressive arts, and their hard work and talent in both!

RTSB14 shirts with the RTSB Universe logo designed by @et_iv will be given away during each DJs stream to folks who donate towards the RTSB Scholarship goal!

WHEN: Friday, March 12th from 6pm-midnight on Twitch

WHO: We hope to bring you some of RTSB’s finest Bay Area affiliates…

WHERE/HOW: Refer to the flyers for our line up and the respective links to each DJs Twitch channel. Come through during your favorite DJ and to donate or stay with us the whole night as we celebrate in virtual spaces all over the Bay Area and kick off the RTSB14 season and universe of infinite possibilities!