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"While educators and teachers within specific disciplines call themselves content experts, it is very important to acknowledge that our youth and students are context experts."

Rock the School Bells is proud to present our 14th season in the form of a Digital & Virtual Conference with events and workshops spanned throughout the months of March and April.  This year's theme is: RTSB Universe: Space of Infinite Possibilities.  Given the virtual, mental, and environmental "space" that we are living in, this theme is very appropriate as it provides opportunities to address topics that impact youth and students, higher education, and Hip Hop culture as a whole.

Drawing from the theme above:  

  • In what ways are we creating a space for students to dream big and dream out loud?

  • What kind of space are we creating to allow for creative expression and entrepreneurial thinking?

  • For educators, how will our curricular content and pedagogical approaches change and adapt when we purposefully center our students' voices and experiences? 

  • How are we redefining our educational space to serve and support our students equitably?  

  • How are we addressing challenges our students are facing as a result of the racial and environmental pandemic?  

  • What can higher education institutions learn from Hip Hop culture and education in regards to social-emotional learning in a virtual space?

Hip Hop as a culture has always been youth-driven. It emanates an energy that is raw, gritty, and unapologetic.  It is a culture that resonates with communities of color all over the world.  Yet, our educational systems remain standard.

Our youth and students have so much to say!  So, it is up to us to create SPACE OF INFINITE POSSIBILITIES!